Some new writing, and a new podcast episode


I haven't written too much since my last feature, but I'm in the process of putting some projects together. As a result, it may be a few weeks before some more regular updates.

​However, there are still a few things worth mentioning. First up is a Retrospective over at Eurogamer about Metro 2033, a game which I have a special spot for my in personal favourites list. I'm looking forward to the sequel, but I hope the developers don't wash away too much of the rust that made the original so good.

​The second update isn't so much journalism-related as it is more personal. I interviewed Polygon news editor Brian Crecente over at my Crafting Podcast about his history in journalism, and his experience in reporting. It was a great discussion, it's had a great response, and I really hope if you're interested in journalism you'd give it a listen.

Speaking of the Crafting Podcast, I have to say, I'm pretty surprised at how good the reception has been. Over the four episodes I've put online, I've had hundreds and hundreds of downloads and listens. I'm really blown away by it - seems like I may have tapped into something people want to hear. Maybe! We'll have to see if the attention sustains itself.​

​A final mention. There was some controversy late last week over Polygon's changing of its SimCity review. Game academic, writer, developer Ian Bogost had some harsh words to say on Twitter about the site, and my post got a little bit of attention. You can read it here. 

And that's it for this month. I'll have a Dead Space 3 review out for PC PowerPlay on the 20th of March, and something else entirely this week which doesn't revolve around gaming at all. Shock horror! ​

Oh, and some of my older features are on the Hyper website now, including this one on stealth gaming, in which I interview developers such as Nels Anderson and Harvey Smith, but also this one on dance games. ​

'til next time. ​

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