My top 10 games of 2013 - without the filler

10. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Because beauty is sometimes more important than gameplay.


9. Super Mario 3D World

Because my wife and I, on the couch, together. 


8. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

Because I missed my train stop. 

7. Bioshock Infinite

Because a gripping story is seductive.


6. Fire Emblem

Because thinking is underrated.


5. Tomb Raider

Because it finally feels a little real.

4. Antichamber

Because yelling in frustration at 1am.

3. The Last of Us

Because theatre and games are finally beginning to merge.


2. Gone Home

Because we should always step in someone else's shoes.

1. Papers, Please

Because we are all people.

Patrick StaffordComment